Research Outputs


Journal Publications (Published)

Pavelic, P., Xayviliya, O. and Ongkeo, O. (2014) Pathways for effective groundwater governance in the least-developed-country context of the Lao PDR. Water International, 39(4):469-485.

Suhardiman, D. Giordano, M., Keovilignavonga, O. and Sotoukee, T. (2015) Revealing the hidden effects of land grabbing through better understanding of farmers’ strategies in dealing with land loss. Land Use Policy 49:195–202.

Suhardiman, D., Giordano, M., Bouapao, L. and Keovilignavong, O. (2016) Farmers’ strategies as building block for rethinking sustainable intensification. Agriculture and Human Values 1-12.


Non-Peer Reviewed Reports

Bohsung, S.M. (2015) small-scale groundwater irrigation in the Vientiane Plains: A case study on dug wells. IWMI Unpublished Report, dated May 2015.

Department of Irrigation (2014) Results of Drilling Well Numbers 1/14, 2/14 and 3/14 at Ekxang Village, Phonhong District, Vientiane Province, Lao PDR. Unpublished report dated 26 September 2014, 28 pages (available only in Lao)

Hydrogeosci (2013) An appraisal of groundwater irrigation prospects at THXP Resettlement Villages. Report to IWMI for Theun-Hinboun Power Company Ltd. (available on request).

Pongmala, K. et al. (2014a) Study on ground and surface water quality at Phonsawath Village, Nawan Village, Numpoung Village, Feaung District, Vientiane Province. (available only in Lao).

Pongmala, K. et al. (2014b) Study of utilization and quality of groundwater in Khokyai – Khoknoi Village, Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital. (available only in Lao).


Training Materials

KKU-GWRC (2013a) Short Course on Hydrogeology I: Fundamental of Groundwater Resources. Proceedings of the First Short Course held at Groundwater Research Center, Faculty of Technology, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 22-25 April, 2013, 219p (summary report also available).

Summary of the Short Course on Hydrogeology I:“Fundamental of Groundwater Resources”

KKU-GWRC (2013b) Short Course on Hydrogeology II: Groundwater Modeling and Application. Proceedings of the Second Short Course held at Groundwater Research Center, Faculty of Technology, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, 4-8 November, 2013, Volume 1 – Lecture Notes; Volume 2 – Laboratory Exercises).

Summary of the Short Course on Hydrogeology II:“Groundwater Modeling and Application”

KKU-GWRC (2013c) Excursion Guide on Groundwater Development for Irrigation in Sumsung District, Khon Kaen, Thailand. One-day excursion as part of the Short Course on Hydrogeology I undertaken for ACIAR Project LWR-2010-81, Khon Kaen University, Groundwater Research Center, April 2013.


Publications In Preparation (Advanced Stage)

Brindha, K., Pavelic, P. and Elango, L. (under review) Assessment of heavy metals including uranium in groundwater in the Vientiane Plains, Laos. Submitted to Exposure and Health Journal.

Brindha, K., Pavelic, P., Sotoukee, T. and Douangsavanh, S. Status of water and soil quality in Vientiane Plains, Lao PDR (in preparation).

Clement, C. et al. Handbook for implementing community managed GW irrigation in the Lao PDR (intended as a joint IWMI/IGES/DOI report).

DWR-GMD. Groundwater Profile of in Keo Oudom, Viengkham, Thoulakhom and Phonhong districts, Vientiane Plains, Lao PDR (Groundwater Management Division, Department of Water Resources publication in preparation, in Lao).

Haiblen, A. et al. Northern Vientiane Plains Hydrogeological Assessment (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Harris- Pascal, C. et al. Understanding groundwater systematics in data-poor regions through quantitative flow modeling: a case study in the Vientiane Plains, Lao PDR (unpublished report anticipated to be finalized for publication).

Lacombe, G. et al. Assessing groundwater recharge in the Lower Mekong Basin (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Natural Resources and Environment Institute. Groundwater Modelling of the Vientiane Plains, Lao PDR (intended for publication as a NREI report).

Raj Shivakoti et al. International experience in groundwater governance and its lesson to slowing evolving groundwater irrigation practice in Lao PDR (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Raj Shivakoti et al. Investigation of the enabling conditions for institutionalizing agriculture groundwater management through the establishment of groundwater user group in Lao PDR (research report in preparation).

Raj Shivakoti et al. Guidelines on the formation of Community Groundwater User Groups (research report in preparation).

Suhardiman, D., Pavelic, P., Giordano, M. and Keovilignavong, O. (forthcoming) Agricultural groundwater use in the Vientiane Plains: Farmers’ perceptions of opportunities and constraints. Human Ecology J.

Vinckevleugel et al., J. Institutional arrangements in local groundwater governance: A case study of the groundwater resource in Phousan Village (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Vinckevleugel, J. et al., Perceptions of intensifying groundwater use in the Vientiane Plain in the context of livelihood strategies diversification (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Viossanges M., Pavelic P., Rebelo M.L., Sotoukee T. Mapping Groundwater Resources Potential in Lao PDR (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Viossanges M. et al. Estimating groundwater availability for irrigation development in the Vientiane Plains – case study of Nam Panai watershed (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

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