Student / Intern Projects


The project has engaged and built capacity of PhD, MSc and undergraduate students in our research portfolio. Key achieved national trainees benefiting from the project are listed below:

Mr. Sinxay Vongphachan – student of National University of Laos, Water Resources Engineering Department (WRED)

Institution: University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Term: Awarded a John Allwright Fellowship in late 2013, commenced his PhD studies in January 2015

Project: Surface water – groundwater interactions under the guidance of Dr Bill Milne-Holme and Assoc. Prof. James Ball.

Publication underway


Ms. Chindavanh Souriyaphack, project team member from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Water Resources (DWR)

Institution: The Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Japan

Term: Commenced Masters Studies in September 2014

Project: Groundwater quality assessment during rainy and dry seasons in the Ekxang village, Phonthong district, Vientiane Province, Lao PDR

Publication underway


Ms. Phaylin Bouakeo, Head of Water Resource Data Information Center, Department of Water Resources, MoNRE

Institution: National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering

Term: 4th Batch, Masters Programme in Environmental Engineering and Management, 2013-2015

Intern: May 2014 – March 2015

Project: Assessment of rainfall, runoff and groundwater recharge in the Xe Bang Hieng river basin

Publication: Bouakeo, P. (2015) Estimation of Rainfall- Runoff and Ground Water Recharge in the Xebanghieng River Basin By Using Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and Base Flow Separation Methods. Masters Thesis, 4th Batch Masters Programme in Environmental Engineering and Management, NUOL Faculty of Engineering, Vientiane Lao PDR.


Mr. Khamkieo Phommavong,

Institution: National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering

Term: 4th Batch, Masters Programme in Environmental Engineering and Management, 2013-2015

Intern: Sept. 2015 – Sept. 2016

Project: Groundwater flow systems and qquifer storage for agriculture and domestic water use in Kiet Ngong Village, Pathoumphone District, Champasak Province, Lao PDR

Publication: Phommavong, K. (2015) Groundwater flow systems and aquifer storage for agriculture and domestic water use in Kiet Ngong Village, Pathoumphone District, Champasak Province, Lao PDR. Masters Thesis, 4th Batch Masters Programme in Environmental Engineering and Management, NUOL Faculty of Engineering, Vientiane Lao PDR.


Kongxiong Naolee

Institution: National University of Laos, Department of Water Resource Management

Term: Bachelors in Water Resource Management, 2014-2015

Intern: Sept. 2015 – Feb. 2016

Project: Improving crop groundwater irrigation during the dry season in rainfed agricultural systems

Publication: Kongxiong Naolee, Bachelor level student in Water Resource Management at the Department of Water Resource Management (WRED). Thesis title: Improving crop groundwater irrigation during the dry season in rainfed agricultural systems.



Institution: National University of Laos, Department of Water Resource Management

Term: Bachelors in Water Resource Management, 2014-2015

Project: The use of rice husk biochar and compost under irrigation management

Publication: Daoxai, Bachelor level student in Water Resource Management at the Department of Water Resource Management (WRED). Thesis title: The use of rice husk biochar and compost under irrigation management.


Oloth Soudthiphone

Institution: National University of Laos, Department of Water Resource Management

Term: Bachelors in Water Resource Management, 2014-2015

Project: Impact of different fertiliser types on soil moisture content

Publication: Oloth Soudthiphone, Bachelor level student in Water Resource Management at the Department of Water Resource Management (WRED). Thesis: Impact of different fertiliser types on soil moisture content.


Mr. Southivone Houamboun

Institution: National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering

Term: Masters Student in Environmental Engineering and Management

Project: Improving groundwater irrigation efficiency by modelling crop water balance


Mr. Ampee Pathoummavong

Institution: National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering

Term: Masters Student in Environmental Engineering and Management

Project: Determining sustainable groundwater use through groundwater flow modelling


Sern Singthong

Institution: National University of Laos,

Term: Bachelor student in Water Resource Management at the Faculty of Water Resource (FWR)

Project: Long bean productivity and growth under two different drip irrigation technologies

Publication underway.


Siphanxay Nolasin

Institution: National University of Laos,

Term: Bachelor student in Water Resource Management at the Faculty of Water Resource (FWR)

Project: Irrigation efficiency of drip irrigation system and impact of coconut mulch on Long bean production

Publication underway


Lengyang Keuyang

Institution: National University of Laos,

Term: Bachelor student in Water Resource Management at the Faculty of Water Resource (FWR)

Project: Impact of different fertilization treatments on morning glory production under two irrigation practices: sprinkler vs hand-spray.

Publication underway.


Vytou Heang

Institution: National University of Laos,

Term: Bachelor student at the Faculty of Environmental Science (FES)




International interns, volunteers and postgrad students have also been involved since the start of the project, as listed below.


Imogen Goode


Institution: La Trobe University

Term: Nov-Dec 2013

Project: Amendment of acid affected soil irrigation trial at upland site


Anna (Snowy) Haiblen


Institution: ANU (Canberra)

Term: Feb 2013 – April 2014 intermittent

Project: Groundwater resource assessment of the Vientiane Plains

Publication: Haiblen, A. et al. Northern Vientiane Plains Hydrogeological Assessment (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).


Andrew Clarke


Term: Dec 2013 – April 2014

Project: Geological assessments


Liliosa Magombedze


Term: Jan – Mar 2014

Project: Literature review and database development


Laure-Anne Serre


Institution: ISTOM (France)

Term: April – September 2013

Project: Village level impact assessment; Participate in field research to evaluate the feasibility of developing viable and sustainable small-scale irrigation systems in the Vientiane Plains of Lao PDR.

Publication: Serre, L.-A. (2013) Impact of informal irrigation on the groundwater resources at the village scale on the Vientiane Plain, Lao PDR. ISTOM Diploma Thesis (French) and Unpublished Report in Progress (English).


Marleen van Asseldonk


Institution: University of Amsterdam (Bachelors thesis)

Term: June 2013

Project: Role of community participation in irrigation development projects

Publication: Asseldonk, M.W.J. van. (2013) Towards an understanding of how community participation leads to a greater sense of responsibility of the community in groundwater irrigation projects in Lao PDR: A case study from Ekxang village, Vientiane Province. Batchelor Thesis, Future Planet Studies, University of Amsterdam.


Jenkins Macedo


Term: Feb – July 2014 (Jan-Jun 2014)

Institution: Clark University

Project: Enhancing soil nutrients and water conservation through sustainable farming techniques in Vientiane Province


Jordan Vinckevleugel


Institution: AgroParisTech

Term: April – Sept. 2015*

Project: Agricultural groundwater use in Laos

Publication: Vinckevleugel, J. (2015) Institutional arrangements in local groundwater governance: A case study of the groundwater resource in Phousan Village, in Phonhong District in Vientiane Province, Laos. Master of Water Sciences, Water and Society, Department of Earth and Water and Environment Sciences, University of Montpellier II. (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Vinckevleugel, J. et al., Perceptions of intensifying groundwater use in the Vientiane Plain in the context of livelihood strategies diversification (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).


Chris Harris-Pascal


Institution: Geoscience Australia

Term: March – August 2015

Project: Bioregional assessments of Australian basin

Publication: Harris- Pascal, C. et al. Understanding groundwater systematics in data-poor regions through quantitative flow modeling: a case study in the Vientiane Plains, Lao PDR (unpublished report anticipated to be finalized for publication).


Mathieu Viossanges


Term: Nov. 2013 – May 2014*

Institution: University of De Aix-Marseille III

Topic: National groundwater hotspot mapping

Publication: Viossanges M., Pavelic P., Rebelo M.L., Sotoukee T. Mapping Groundwater Resources Potential in Lao PDR (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

Viossanges M. et al. Estimating groundwater availability for irrigation development in the Vientiane Plains – case study of Nam Panai watershed (in preparation for peer-reviewed journal).

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